Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Oh these wacky internets

Here I am!
In reading fuckyouistan's newest blog posting, I realized something: I am so interesting that other people mention me in their blogs! That must mean that I am interesting enough to have my own blog!!!

Most of you reading this already get to hear my thoughts on everything all day long, either in person or over IM. And many of you get to hear a lot of the intimate and personal details of my life (whether you wanted to or not), and I get to hear the intimate and personal details of yours (whether you wanted to tell me or not). Now, we move those very important conversations from the relatively private venue of google chat to the great wide internet, where anyone can see them!

Ok so now that I've made a proper introduction, I'd like to dive in to my first topic: Hillel. Now, to be clear, I don't know that this man's name is Hillel. I think it's more likely to be Joshua or David or something of the sort. But Jaime thinks he looks Jewish and thought if we were going to give him a fake name it might as well be interesting. Anyhoo, this is a man that I am sort of stalking outside the office. I've seen him a couple of times on the street and we've had "stranger-on-the-street-extended-eye-contact." He's tall and thin and has black hair and facial scrubbies and black plastic glasses. I saw him wearing a suit the other day. Swoon.

So, knowing myself as I do (and I feel I know me pretty well) I know that I am going to tire of the stalking part pretty quickly. Then, I am going to have to do something drastic and forward to get his attention, cause that's what I do. I don't bat my eyelashes and giggle and sit and look pretty while waiting for a man to come ask me out. I learned long ago that waiting for a man to ask you out is basically useless.

But here's something I am only recently starting to suspect...I have to convince guys to like me. Here's what happens: girl meets boy (that girl is me, FYI). Girl and boy flirt. Girl asks boy out. Boy accepts. Girl and boy go out and have a good time...not like average-ok-first-date good time, like GREAT time. Best date ever time. Maybe girl and boy have sex but that's not required for the story. Boy says, had great time, will call. Boy never calls. Or boy calls but isn't really into it and acts generally like a douche. This is what happened when I started dating my last long term boyfriend, and it has happened TWICE in the last 2 months.

So I'm thinking...what's the matter with them? I think I'm a pretty high quality person. Why do they have to be so weird? But then evil little voice inside says, "What about you? Huh? What did you do to chase them off?"

But you know what? I cut that bitch. So if anyone sees a tall, spectacled swarthy (Will's words not mine) man outside the office, check for a wedding ring.


will said...


So yeah, I called him swarthy, but lets look at the definition of the word and see if I'm somehow being culturally insensitive or not...

m-w.com sez:


Main Entry:
\ˈswȯr-thē, -thē\
Inflected Form(s):
swar·thi·er; swar·thi·est
alteration of obsolete swarty, from swart
: of a dark color, complexion, or cast
— swar·thi·ness noun

Well, maybe I am. Oops.

Oh, and welcome to blogging. It's all wine and roses from here on out, trust me.

shelley said...

I am not sure we need to look at the definition to know that you were being insensitive...seeing as how you hate the Dutch and all.

Unknown said...

Let's be clear on one thing - the Dutch deserve to be hated on.

That said, you shouldn't stress about these douches. Dudes who aren't into it don't deserve that piece of your mind and time. If their puerile brains can't handle dating, find someone whose brain can. It's that simple.

will said...

Ok, I feel like i was fairly explicit in expressing my love of the Dutch people in my last post. Let's not mangle someone else's language and words, like some cock-throated Dutchman.

Oh shit.

Yeah, so... nice new blog!