Saturday, November 17, 2007

Emo Week 2007 aka TLDR

Inspired by the latest fuckyouistan post, I thought I would write my own "non-emo" analysis of the past week. Monday I went to a concert...Art Brut and The Hold Steady. Art Burt = uber hipster guys (and one girl on bass) with skinny jeans and floppy hair and the whole bit. The Hold Steady = nerdy, very uncool guys with white sneakers and accordians. The lead singer looked like he could have been a dentist...or a comedy writer. They played a song called You Can Make Him Like You, which made me laugh and laugh and I immediately made it my MySpace song.

Tuesday was the pinnacle of Emo Week 2007...I succumbed to the stress and lost my shit. The evil bitch inside my head (I think I'll call her Greta) went something like this..."You can do all this! You cannot figure this out and even if you do everyone will hate it! And nobody cares about you enough to be here right now to talk you down from freaking out! They don't want your shit on them." She's not very nice.

Minutes later that boy who I would like to make like me called, simultaneously making me feel better and worse. Because while he tried to draw me out and get me to talk about the thing, I know of his discomfort with dealing with people when they are upset (especially crying) and I was afraid he wouldn't deal with me in the way I wanted and then I would be disappointed, which only made me more angsty. We had a good talk though, so it was a nice distraction.

Oh, Wednesday. Wednesday the wheels came off the bus, culminating in Take This Job and Shove It happy hour. Beer, G&T, Rum and Coke, and lots of fried food...that will make you feel better about your job.

Thursday and Friday really just run together, culminating in an impromptu shit canning at Gabors (possibly best bar ever...take the poll!) and 3 AM breakfast at Tom's Diner. Good night.

Looking back on the week, two things sort of become clear...if you're relying on someone else to solve your problems, you won't be able to count on their solution. All I wanted when I was losing my shit was someone around to deal with me. Then, when someone presents himself, it turned out to make the whole thing worse. Cause it's not his job to talk me off the ledge, it's mine.
Second thing...if I keep eating fried food and 3 AM breakfast to stave off the emo, I'm going to be 300 lbs by this time next year.

So, let's forge ahead into next week, yes? It's going to be great for the following reasons:
1. I'm going to make all kinds of money and find all kinds of new members for my organization.
2. I can take all that money we make for that orange croc wearing pansy and tell him to shove it right up his ass. Wait...
3. We don't have to work on Thursday.
4. We're going to sell cheap plastic crap and t-shirts that little Chinese children were probably paid 2 cents a day to sew together with their teeth. But we're going to make some money dammit.

Anyone have something to add to the list?

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