Sunday, December 30, 2007

In the year of our lord, 2008...

With the end of the year approaching, and my trans-continental sage smudging scheduled for later tonight, I feel compelled to write out my New Years Resolutions, so to speak. I actually think New Years Resolutions are pretty lame, especially because people don't think them through. Typical New Years Resolutions: lose weight, eat healthier, get out more, exercise more, etc etc. Notice anything? There are no measurable goals or strategies for implementing these resolutions. Call me PIRG-y, but I just think that if you're really going to try to change your life in a new year, you should have goals, strategies and tactics. Thus, here is my New Years Campaign Plan...

Goal: Do not gain any weight in the New Year.
Strategies: No cheese for the month of January: I really feel like this is a big piece of why I've maybe put on a few pounds during December. I've eaten nothing but cheese, for the most part. So none of that for one month...also because I am sort of obsessed with cheese...maybe I just should see if I can get by without that.

Fresh juice each morning: My mom gave me a juicer so I feel like this is a gimme.

Each meal out only once a week: Breakfast once, Lunch once, Dinner once.

30 minute walk every day: With my doggie because Ms. Abby needs to watch her figure too. We're not teenagers anymore.

Goal: Stop being so twitchy about being alone.
Strategies: Don't pursue a man in any way for all of January: I've been doing all the work for a while now when it comes to men and I gotta tell you, it's exhausting. This is an exercise in practicing my patience...don't worry I am not trying to turn into one of those girls who sits nicely and looks pretty and waits for a boy to ask her out. I'm just taking a moment to look around and be patient and see what happens. I may re-evaluate the length of time at the end of's possible that it might take more than a month for me to learn anything from this experiment.

Start new activities: I'd like to garden in one of those Denver Urban Gardens community gardens. I'd like to rock out more. Stuff like that. I think these kinds of activities can help to fill my mental real estate (see post below.)

Goal: Stop being a stress freak about work.
Strategy: Say no more: we don't say no nearly enough in the IOD. Can I get an amen?

No working at home: seriously, I am not that important. If I can't get it done from 8-6, it can wait til the next day.

Other general goals that are not as interesting as these:
Move out of this shitty apartment: Find a place, buy it, move in. Easy as pie.

So those are my goals and strategies for the new year. Now that I've committed them to the interwebs, there's no going back. I can't just pretend that I never said it. And I just hate it when I can't achieve my goals, so my guess is this will make me accountable and then I'll get all crazy over it and next year I'll have to make a resolution about not being such a failure freak. But hey, baby steps...

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